Happy Birthday Quinn!


There's just so much to say about the wonderful Friday that Quinn Renee decided to grace the world with her beautiful and sassy presence! Her mommy being my best friend made her birthday so special to me! Courtney has been my closest friend for years, the one person I share everything with! And I am so so so blessed that she allowed me to share this day with her! Courtney started labor the day before, I drove out to meet her and our other best friend, we went for a casual swim at Kristian's while timing minutes between contractions... because that's what all best friends do right?! Ha! Then that evening we decided to go out to dinner since it seemed like Quinn was going to make her arrival very soon... all the while, during dinner, still timing contractions! But baby girl wasn't ready yet. We went back to her house that night, hung out and talked... still timing. Her contractions weren't close or strong enough to go into the hospital quite yet so around midnight I decided to head home and get a little rest in anticipation that we would be in the hospital in a few hours... and sure enough a hour and a half into my cat nap at home Courtney's mom called and said it was hospital time. I grabbed a muffin and red bull and hit the road! But Quinn took her very very sweet time throughout the whole day. We talked, we laughed til we cried, we got emotional, we got sleepy and delirious, we had some scares, but most of all we anticipated the overwhelming love and joy we would all be feeling very soon, especially Courtney as she became a mother for the first time. Around 7:38pm on Friday June 5th, after many hours of pushing, Quinn Renee Broussard was here! I couldn't take my teary eyes off that beautiful girl. Courtney did amazing and Quinn was 7lbs 8 oz of pure, chubby cheek, tiny toes, perfection! With a little attitude just like her mommy within only a few minutes in this world! Haha! I can't wait to watch this little girl grow up and show her the pictures "Nanny Em" took on the day she was born! :) And take a TON of pictures of her as she grows! If I could tell Quinn one thing right now, it's don't ever forget that no matter what happens, YOU. ARE. SO. LOVED.

Thanks for reading and please enjoy some of the photos from this wonderful day.