Carissa | Florida Beach Session


There's so much story behind this shoot.. Carissa is my sister and she is a senior this year so we planned a girls trip to Florida just for her first senior session! For a moment (more than once) we felt like it was not going to happen due to the weather! The first planned shoot was cancelled due to some pretty extreme winds... by the way, sand hitting you at 20-30 mph wind gusts STINGS! So our shoot was not happening that evening with the intense winds, but the trouble was that we were leaving the next day (we only planned a weekend trip)! So we woke up at sunrise the next morning only to find it was so incredibly wet & humid that my camera gear would not de-fog and the sun was rising quickly! Thanks to some quick shooting and some extra work in Photoshop, we ended up with some great photos after all. 

So here is my sister's first, of many, senior sessions!